Saturday, April 22, 2023

How to Replace Slate Roof Tiles

Slate is a durable, long-lasting roofing material that can add a touch of elegance to any home. However, slate roof tiles can become damaged, worn, or broken over time and may need to be replaced. Replacing slate roof tiles can be challenging and time-consuming, but it can be done efficiently and effectively with the right tools and knowledge. This blog will discuss how to replace slate roof tiles step-by-step.


Step 1: Safety First

Before starting any roofing project, it is essential to prioritize safety. Ensure you have appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, safety glasses, and a hard hat. Additionally, ensure the roof is dry and debris-free, and your ladder is secure and stable. Do not attempt to replace slate roof tiles if the weather conditions are unfavorable.


Step 2: Identify the Damaged Slate Roof Tiles

The first step in replacing slate roof tiles is to identify the damaged ones that need to be replaced. Inspect your roof carefully, looking for missing or broken tiles and any cracks or chips. Take note of the size and thickness of the damaged tiles, as this information will be important when purchasing replacement tiles.


Step 3: Remove the Damaged Slate Roof Tile

Once you have identified the damaged slate roof tiles, it is time to remove them. Start using a slate ripper to loosen the nails holding the tile. Carefully remove the tile, not damaging the surrounding tiles or the roof structure. If the tile is broken, use a hammer and chisel to carefully break it into smaller pieces, which can then be removed.


Step 4: Prepare the Replacement Slate Roof Tile

Before installing the replacement slate roofing, it is essential to prepare it properly. Start by measuring the size and thickness of the damaged tile you removed. Cut the replacement tile to the same size and shape using a slate cutter or a diamond blade saw. Ensure the replacement tile fits snugly into the gap left by the damaged tile.


Step 5: Install the Replacement Slate Roof Tile

With the replacement tile ready, it is time to install it. Begin by sliding the replacement tile into the gap left by the damaged tile. Align the replacement tile with the surrounding tiles, ensuring it sits flush with them. Use copper or stainless-steel nails to secure the tile in place, ensuring they are hammered below the surface of the slate.


Step 6: Seal the Replacement Slate Roof Tile

To ensure that the replacement slate roof tile is watertight, it is essential to seal it. Apply a high-quality roofing sealant around the edges of the replacement tile, ensuring it covers the nails and edges. Use a putty knife to smooth the sealant, ensuring it is evenly distributed.


Step 7: Check Your Work

Once you have installed and sealed the replacement slate roof tile, it is important to check your work. Inspect the tile carefully, ensuring it is flush with the surrounding tiles and the sealant has been applied evenly. Also, check for any other damage or wear on the surrounding tiles and roof structure, which may need to be repaired or replaced.



Replacing slate roof tiles can be challenging and time-consuming, but it is essential for maintaining the integrity of your roof. Following the steps outlined in this blog, you can replace damaged tiles efficiently and effectively, ensuring that your roof remains watertight and structurally sound. Remember to prioritize safety and take your time to ensure that each replacement tile is installed correctly. With some practice and patience, you can become proficient at replacing slate roof tiles and keep your roof in excellent condition for years. If you have any questions or need guidance with repairing or replacing your slate roof tiles, contact us for assistance with every step. Our team is standing by to help ensure that your new slate tile installation meets all safety standards necessary for lasting quality.

The post How to Replace Slate Roof Tiles first appeared on Integris Roofing.


Sunday, March 19, 2023

Asbestos Tile Roofing: Understanding the Risks and Benefits

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral widely used in construction materials until the 1980s due to its fire-resistant properties. Asbestos tile roofing is a popular product in the mid-20th century for its durability and affordability. However, over time, it was discovered that asbestos fibers could cause serious health problems, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. This blog will explore the risks and benefits of asbestos tile roofing and what you should do if you have it on your property.


Risks of Asbestos Tile Roofing

While asbestos tile roofing was once considered a safe and effective material, we now know it poses a serious health risk. Asbestos fibers can become airborne when the tiles are disturbed, such as during roof repairs or demolition. When inhaled, these fibers can cause serious health problems, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.

Asbestos-related diseases can take years or even decades to develop, and there is no cure for these conditions. Therefore, taking precautions when working with or around asbestos-containing materials is important to prevent exposure to these dangerous fibers.


Benefits of Asbestos Tile Roofing

Despite the risks associated with asbestos tile roofing, there are some benefits to using this material. Asbestos tile roofing is durable and long-lasting, with up to 50 years of lifespan. It is also fire-resistant, which can be important in areas prone to wildfires. Additionally, asbestos tile roofing is relatively lightweight, which can help to reduce the load on a building’s structure. Below are some of the benefits:



Asbestos tile roofing is one of the most durable roofing materials available. It can withstand extreme weather conditions, such as high winds and heavy rain, and is resistant to fire, rot, and insects. Asbestos tile roofing can last up to 50 years with proper maintenance, making it a cost-effective option for homeowners.


Energy Efficiency

Asbestos tile roofing has excellent insulation properties that can help reduce energy costs. It reflects heat from the sun, which helps keep your home cooler in the summer months. It means your air conditioning system will not have to work as hard, reducing energy consumption and lowering energy bills.


Easy to Maintain

Asbestos tile roofing requires minimal maintenance. It does not require painting and is resistant to algae, moss, and other growth forms. It is also easy to clean with a power washer, which can help keep your roof looking new for many years.


Aesthetically Pleasing

Asbestos tile roofing is available in various colors and styles, making it easy to find a design that complements your home’s architecture. The tiles can be cut into various shapes and sizes to create intricate patterns and designs, giving your home an attractive look.


How to Identify Asbestos Tile Roofing

If you suspect that your roofing material may contain asbestos, it is important to have it tested by a professional. Asbestos fibers are invisible to the naked eye, so it is impossible to determine if a material contains asbestos just by looking at it.

A professional asbestos testing company will take a sample of the roofing material and send it to a laboratory for analysis. If the sample contains asbestos fibers, it is important to manage the material properly to prevent exposure.


Managing Asbestos Tile Roofing

If you have asbestos tile roofing on your property, there are steps you can take to manage it safely. The first step is to avoid disturbing the material as much as possible. If you need to access the roof for maintenance or repairs, hiring a professional contractor trained and equipped to work with asbestos-containing materials is important.

If you plan to remove the asbestos tile roofing, following strict guidelines to prevent exposure to asbestos fibers is important. Asbestos removal should only be performed by a licensed professional with the proper training and equipment to handle the material safely. The area around the work site should be sealed off to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers, and workers should wear protective clothing and respirators to prevent the inhalation of the fibers.



Asbestos tile roofing was once popular due to its affordability, durability, and fire-resistant properties. However, we now know that it poses a serious health risk due to the presence of asbestos fibers. Suppose you have asbestos tile roofing on your property. In that case, it is important to have it tested by a professional and to manage the material safely to prevent exposure to these dangerous fibers. If you have any further questions regarding Asbestos tile roofing, please don’t hesitate to contact us—we’re here to help.

The post Asbestos Tile Roofing: Understanding the Risks and Benefits first appeared on Integris Roofing.


7 Benefits of Lightweight Tile Roofing

When it comes to roofing, there are many options available. One of the most popular choices in recent years has been lightweight tile roofing. Lightweight tile roofing has become increasingly popular due to its durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of lightweight tile roofing in detail.



One of the most significant benefits of lightweight tile roofing is its durability. Lightweight tiles are made of materials such as concrete or clay, which are highly durable and long-lasting. They also resist extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain, strong winds, and hailstorms. Unlike traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles, which can crack and warp over time, lightweight tile roofs can last for decades with minimal maintenance.


Energy Efficiency

Another significant advantage of lightweight tile roofing is its energy efficiency. Lightweight tiles can reflect the sun’s rays, keeping your home cool during summer. It, in turn, can reduce your energy bills and increase your home’s overall energy efficiency. Some lightweight tile manufacturers also offer special coatings that enhance the energy efficiency, making them an eco-friendly roofing option.


Low Maintenance

Lightweight tile roofs require very little maintenance, making them an attractive option for homeowners looking for a hassle-free roofing solution. Unlike traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles, which require regular inspections and repairs, lightweight tiles can withstand extreme weather conditions with minimal maintenance. It means that you can save both time and money on maintenance costs over the life of your roof.


Aesthetic Appeal

Lightweight tile roofing offers a wide range of design options, making it an attractive choice for homeowners looking to improve their curb appeal. Lightweight tiles come in various colors and styles, allowing homeowners to create a custom look for their homes. Whether you’re looking for a traditional or modern aesthetic, a lightweight tile roofing option can suit your needs.


Fire Resistance

Lightweight tiles are also fire-resistant, making them an excellent choice for homes in areas prone to wildfires. Unlike traditional roofing materials like wood shingles, which can ignite and spread flames quickly, lightweight tiles can withstand high temperatures and resist fire damage.


Increase Home Value

Investing in a lightweight tile roof can increase the value of your home. A lightweight tile roof can enhance your home’s curb appeal, making it more attractive to potential buyers. Additionally, lightweight tiles are a durable roofing solution, which can help to reduce the need for costly repairs and maintenance over time.


Environmentally Friendly

Finally, lightweight tile roofing is an environmentally friendly option. Lightweight tiles are made of eco-friendly materials, such as clay and concrete, which can be recycled after use. Additionally, lightweight tile roofs can help to reduce energy consumption, making them an eco-friendly choice for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint.



Lightweight tile roofing offers many benefits to homeowners. It is durable, energy-efficient, low-maintenance, and aesthetically appealing. Additionally, lightweight tiles are fire-resistant, increase home value, and are environmentally friendly. Consider lightweight tile roofing if you’re looking for a roofing solution that offers long-lasting performance, energy efficiency, and curb appeal. If you require guidance regarding the Benefits of Lightweight Tile Roofing, please reach out to us for assistance today.

The post 7 Benefits of Lightweight Tile Roofing first appeared on Integris Roofing.


Monday, February 27, 2023

How Do You Find a Leak in Metal Roof?

If you have a metal roof, knowing how to find a leak is essential. A leak in your metal roof can cause severe damage to your home, so it’s best to fix it as soon as possible. Here are some tips on how to find a leak in metal roof.


Find a Leak in Metal Roof

Finding a leak in a metal roof can be a challenging task, but it is crucial to detect and repair the leak to prevent further damage to the building. A metal roof can develop leaks due to various reasons such as improper installation, corrosion, punctures, and damage caused by severe weather conditions.


Check for Leaks After It Rains

After it rains, be sure to check for any possible leakages. Leak in metal roof is particularly concerning and can lead to thousands of dollars in damages if not fixed immediately. Sure signs you should look for include rust on a metal roofing, broken shingles or shakes, and water stain or wet patches. Furthermore, it’s essential to check the leakages around the caulks, pipe flashings and seams, as they are all common areas where leakages may occur. If you encounter any leakages, take appropriate action, such as patch repairs or seek professional assistance before further damage occurs.


Look for Any Water Damage on The Ceiling

When looking for any water damage on a ceiling, checking both sides of the panel for dampness or discoloration is essential. Especially for shelters with metal roofs, keep an eye out for corrosion around nail heads and joints, as these are common areas where a leak can occur. Additionally, if you notice streaks on the ceiling’s surface, that could indicate a leak in your metal roof. If you find signs of water damage, then contact a certified roofer to inspect the area so they can help you determine the cause of the leak and repair it quickly before any further damage is done.


Inspect the Roof Itself for Any Cracks, Holes

Inspecting your roof for the damage yourself should be a part of regular home maintenance, as leaky metal roofs can cause significant damage to the rest of your home. Check for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or holes in the structure, particularly around joints and seams. Pay special attention to either loose or buckled shingles, as these could indicate a leak. It’s also essential to check for signs of rust on metal roofs, which can eat away at the metal’s integrity if left untreated. With just a few minutes taken out each season for a thorough inspection, you can keep your roof in good condition and save yourself from potentially costly repairs in the future.


Have Someone Else Check the Roof While You Stay Inside

You know whether or not your metal roof leaks are essential since it allows you to take action quickly and prevent damage. It can be tricky to find out, though, since that generally means having to go up on the roof yourself, which can be dangerous. To avoid putting yourself in harm’s way, consider having someone else check the top while you stay inside and watch their progress from the windows if possible. By relying on someone else to inspect, you can protect yourself while ensuring that your roof leak is addressed quickly and efficiently.


Call a Professional

Regarding leaky metal roofs, there is no question that the best solution is to call a professional. Not only will a professional be able to diagnose the leak quickly and accurately, but they can also provide expert advice on the best repairs or replacement options for your home. It’s important to remember that not all roofing jobs are created equal, and tackling leaky metal roofs require specialized tools, materials and knowledge. Safety should always be your priority when repairing or replacing roofing, so don’t take a DIY approach if you’re uncomfortable with the task. Call a professional today and keep your roof in top-notch condition.



Finding a leak in your roof after it rains or during a heavy storm can be difficult, but with the proper steps taken, you can locate the source of the water damage. It is essential to check for any damage in your ceiling and walls near the roof, inspect the roof for any cracks, holes, or missing shingles, and have someone else check from outside while you listen inside for dripping water. If you cannot find the source of the leak yourself, contact us. We specialize in all types of problems related to leaking roofs and are fully licensed and insured to help you get your home back in working order. Take your time – seek our services today.

The post How Do You Find a Leak in Metal Roof? first appeared on Integris Roofing.


You Should Know: What is the Latest Material for Roofing

Roofing is an essential part of any building, whether residential or commercial. It not only protects the interior of a building from external elements but also adds to its aesthetic appeal. As technology advances, so do the materials used for roofing. The latest materials for roofing offer improved durability, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. In this blog, we will discuss the latest material for roofing that you should consider for your next roofing project. Whether you are a homeowner or a contractor, this information will be valuable in making informed decisions about the best roofing material for your needs. So, let’s dive in and explore the latest and most exciting roofing materials on the market today.

The Latest Material for Roofing

The latest materials for roofing offer a range of benefits that can improve the overall functionality, durability, and aesthetic appeal of your home.Ultimately, the choice of roofing material will depend on your budget, preferences, and needs. It is important to work with a reputable contractor who can guide you through the selection process and ensure that the installation is done correctly.


Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are one of the most popular materials used for roofing projects to date. Their popularity comes from their affordability, low-maintenance upkeep, and durability. What’s more, asphalt shingles can be manufactured to mimic the look of high-end materials such as wood or slate while being hundreds or even thousands of dollars cheaper to purchase. Installing asphalt shingles is a quick and easy process that allows homeowners to enjoy their new roof in no time at all – making them the latest material for roofing.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is one of the most popular what is the latest material for roofing. Its popularity is due in part to its extreme durability and fire-resistance, making it a great choice for homes in all climates. Metal roofs are also extremely lightweight and can be installed on almost any type of home, from brick and wood to stucco or asphalt shingles. They come in a wide variety of finishes, shapes, and sizes, so you can find an option that perfectly suits your home’s aesthetic. Additionally, metal roofing typically costs less than traditional asphalt shingle roofs over time because it needs less maintenance and replacement. Therefore, metal roofing is not only a highly functional but also attractive way to protect your home from the elements.

Slate Roofing

Installing slate roofing can be a great choice for homeowners who value durability and sustainability. Slate is an extremely durable material that can last up to 200 years with proper maintenance and care. Because no two slates are alike, it can also create a unique appeal in the aesthetic of any home. Additionally, slate roofs are very energy efficient, able to withstand extreme temperatures without significantly changing temperature inside the home. Furthermore, slate roofing requires much less maintenance than other types of roofing and is also recyclable when removed from the home – making it an excellent investment and a great choice for those who prioritize eco-friendly living.

Solar Panels

Solar panels offer a tremendous opportunity for tapping into renewable energy. Not only do solar panels generate electricity from the sun, they can also exist in many forms and are ideal for different areas depending on their needs, from residential rooftops to large-scale utility projects. Additionally, solar power is not just a source of clean energy – it’s also good for your wallet. Homeowners with solar panels have typically enjoyed energy cost savings of 10-30%, increasing even more when paired with energy storage systems such as batteries. With the number of benefits that come with investing in solar panels, it is no wonder why so many turn to this reliable form of renewable energy.

Green Roofs

What is the latest in roofing? Green roofs! A green roof is an insulation alternative that can help keep buildings cool in summer and warm in winter. As a result, green roofs reduce energy costs by reducing the amount of fuel needed for heating and cooling. They are also known to improve air quality by absorbing water from rainfall, which reduces the risk of flooding and improves local ecology. What’s more, green roofs create habitat for birds, insects, bees and other wildlife not found in urban areas. By using drought resistant plants and native wildflowers, these innovative roofs have quickly become the newest trend for modern homes around the world.


There are a variety of roofing materials and options to choose from to fit both your budget and the aesthetic of your home. Asphalt shingles are the most common type of roof and offer good protection at a very accessible cost. Metal is great for resisting extreme weather conditions or fire areas, requires little maintenance, but can be costly and noisy. Slate is strong and beautiful, yet very expensive to install and maintain. Solar panels cost more upfront but are an excellent way to save on energy costs in the long run. Finally, green roofs bring both beauty to your home while also providing multiple functions like air purification which everyone should consider if they have space available.

We hope this blog post has provided you with enough information to make an informed decision when it comes to selecting a roofing option for your house. If you need additional help deciding which roof is best for you or are interested in learning more about our services, contact us today.

The post You Should Know: What is the Latest Material for Roofing first appeared on Integris Roofing.


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Step By Step Guide To Achieving a Perfect Metal Roof Restoration

Metal roof restoration is a great way to create a beautiful and long-lasting roof for your home. Not only does it protect your home from the elements, but it also looks great and adds to curb appeal. However, restoring a metal roof can be daunting for those unfamiliar with the process. Fortunately, this step-by-step guide to achieving a perfect metal roof restoration can help make the process easier. Here, we will discuss the necessary steps to take, from preparation and inspection to cleaning and painting, to ensure that your metal roof looks its best and lasts for years. With this guide, you can rest assured that your roof will look great and be well-protected you will also find the right way to choose roofing contractor for your project  So, let’s get started!




Before you begin your metal roof restoration, you’ll want to ensure your roof is ready. First, make sure the top is clean. If dirt or debris is on the roof, it can be transferred to the new roofing material. You’ll also want to check for loose nails and screws. Loose nails can be a tripping hazard and damage the new roofing material. 



You should also inspect the roof for any damage. Damaged areas will need to be repaired before you can start a restoration. You should also check the roof’s current condition. Is the material worn out? Is it in need of a paint job? If so, you can perform a simple restoration process. This process involves removing the old roofing material and replacing it with new ones. Suppose your roof’s condition is good and needs a fresh coat of paint. In that case, you can complete a full restoration that involves removing the current roofing material, repairing any damage, and applying a new roof.


Cleaning the Metal Roof

Cleaning your metal roof is one of the first steps in restoring it. Metal roofs build up an impressive amount of dirt, pollution, and grime over the years. And while these substances may not seem like much, they can begin to eat away at the roof’s protective finish. By thoroughly cleaning your roof, you can help extend its life and make the restoration process more manageable. There are several ways you can go about cleaning your metal roof. First, you can use a power washer to remove loose dirt and grime. You can also use mild soap and water to clean the roof. Professional roof cleaning services are also available. These services can use chemicals to remove stubborn stains from your top.


Repairing Any Damage

If your roof has any damage, it should be repaired before you begin the restoration process. Otherwise, the repairs can be challenging to complete and even impossible. You want to repair the damage as soon as possible to prevent any further damage and ensure your roof’s longevity. There are many options for restoring a metal roof. You can use a patch to cover small holes and dents. You can also use a combination of a patch and a strip to repair larger holes or tears. Once you’ve improved the damage, you’ll want to clean the area thoroughly. It will prevent any residual dirt or grime from being transferred to the new roofing material.


Applying a Primer

Before painting your roof, you’ll want to apply a primer to the roofing material to protect the top and help make the painting process more manageable. The primer will also provide a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to, which will help extend the life of your roof even further. There are a few different types of primer available. You can apply an oil-based primer, ideal for repairing rusted metal or a water-based primer, great for painting new or worn metal. To use the primer, you’ll want first to clean the roof to ensure it is free of debris. Next, you’ll want to apply a liberal amount of primer to the roofing material, making sure to use it in all directions. Once the primer has dried, you can move on to the next step of painting the roof.


Painting the Roof

Now that your metal roof has been thoroughly cleaned and primed, it is ready for the final step: painting. When painting your metal roof, you’ll want to choose a paint specifically designed for metal roofs. Be sure to read the colour carefully to ensure you apply the correct colour for your roof’s surface area. You also want to make sure you use the paint correctly. Do not apply too much paint at one time. Instead, apply multiple thin coats of paint. It will ensure you only apply a little colour and waste the product.


Finishing Touches

Once you’ve cleaned and restored the roof, you’ll want to seal the roofing material to ensure that it lasts for many years. You can use a sealant to protect the metal and prevent corrosion. Sealant is also ideal because it is effortless to apply. You can apply it with a brush or roller, and it dries quickly. You can apply a sealant to the roofing material to protect the roof. Alternatively, you can use a bond to the entire top. This will protect the roof and help prevent the roof from rotting, which can happen if there is too much moisture in the ceiling.


Benefits of Metal Roof Restoration

Metal roof restoration is a great way to enhance your home’s curb appeal. It also protects your roof from the sun, which will decrease the amount of energy your roof absorbs. This will lower your energy bills and help protect the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. Restoring your metal roof will also extend its life, saving you money in the long run. Replacing a roof can cost thousands of dollars, while restoration services are typically much less. Finally, restoring your metal roof will help you protect the environment. Metal roofing is made of recycled materials, which will help prevent the need to mine new materials.


Resources for Getting Help with Metal Roof Restoration

If you need more help with a metal roof restoration project, many resources are available. Many roofing companies offer restoration services that can help make the process much easier. You can also find helpful guides and articles online that can walk you through the process step-by-step. Finally, you can also talk to community members who have already completed a restoration project. They can walk you through their experience and help you avoid making mistakes. When restoring a metal roof, it is essential to follow a step-by-step process to achieve the best results. This guide will help walk you through the process, making it easier than ever before to complete a perfect metal roof restoration.



Metal roof restoration is a great way to improve the appearance of your home while protecting it from damage caused by the elements. However, you must follow a few critical steps to achieve a perfect metal roof restoration. First, you will need to examine the roof to determine if it needs repair before starting the restoration process. Next, you will need to remove the old roofing materials and replace them with new materials using a method called tacking. Finally, you will need to clean the roof and apply a coating to protect it from the elements. With these steps, you can achieve a perfect metal roof restoration lasting for years. for further information please call a professional roofing company in Texas, USA

The post Step By Step Guide To Achieving a Perfect Metal Roof Restoration first appeared on Integris Roofing.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Six Reasons Why Cedar Shake Roofs Are the Best

If you are in the market for a new roof, you may wonder what type is best. Many roofs include asphalt shingles, metal roofs, and cedar shake roofs. Cedar shake roof have become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are many reasons why they are the best option for your home. This blog post will discuss why cedar shake roofs are the best choice for your home.

Cedar Shake Roof

A cedar shake roof is excellent if you want a unique and attractive roofing option. This material offers excellent protection from the elements while providing a unique and rustic aesthetic appeal. Cedar shakes come in many different colours and styles, so you’re sure to find something that will complement your home perfectly. They can even be treated with natural preservatives to enhance their durability and add additional protection against decay. Additionally, cedar shake roofing requires minimal maintenance; wash off dirt and debris every couple of years to keep it looking its best. Finally, this type of roof is incredibly durable and can last up to fifty years if adequately cared for. When choosing a roof for your home, consider the advantages of a cedar shake for reliable protection and stylish beauty.

Benefits of Cedar Shake Roofs

Here are six reasons and benefits why cedar shake roofs are the best


Durability is an essential component of a successful roof installation, and the cedar shake roof is known for its impressive durability. These roofs have been known to last up to 50 years or more. This extended life expectancy makes it an ideal option for anyone looking to maximize the value of their investment. Replacement eventually becomes necessary due to weather damage. However, even in cases where the shakes become cracked and broken, cedar shakes may still offer some form of protection for up to 20 years with minimal repairs. Thus, buyers, who choose cedar shake roofs can rest assured that the material will possess a long life span and help protect their homes from leakages or other environmental conditions.

Natural Insulator

Cedar shake roofs provide an incredibly energy-efficient option for homes, thanks to the natural insulator of cedar wood. Cedar is known for its superior insulation capabilities, which help to keep a home incredible during warm weather and warm during the cold months. While cedar shakes may cost more than average asphalt shingles, the money saved in energy costs over the long term makes up for the initial price. Cedar shakes are also known for their exceptional resistance to moisture and mould; this homeowner asset is maintenance-free and helps protect against storm damage and water infiltration. The natural beauty of a cedar shake roof makes it an excellent choice for many homeowners who enjoy having a unique character that differentiates their property from others in the neighbourhood.

Fire Resistant

Cedar shakes are known for their excellent protection against fire. Cedar shake roofs carry a Class-A rating from the Fire Safety Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL), meaning they can withstand severe fire exposure over long periods. It is especially beneficial to homeowners who live in wildland/urban interface areas where forest fires are common.


Cedar shake roofs are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Unlike asphalt, cedar shakes require no petroleum products to manufacture them, and they also don’t release any pollutants into the air as they decompose over time. Furthermore, the wood from which cedar shakes are made is grown sustainably and can often be harvested locally.

Low Maintenance

Cedar shake roofs require minimal maintenance, meaning you can spend less time worrying about your roof and more time enjoying it. Cedar shakes are naturally resistant to rotting, insects, and other pests, so homeowners don’t have to worry about additional treatments or applications like they would with an asphalt roof.


Cedar shake roofs provide an attractive, rustic look that can add a unique touch to any home. Cedar shakes come in different shapes and sizes, allowing for customization depending on the homeowner’s preference. Additionally, with its natural colouring, cedar blends well with any exterior design and can be stained or painted to match one’s desired aesthetic.


A cedar shake roof is the best option for your home if you live in an area prone to severe weather conditions. Cedar shakes are also great if you want to add value to your home without spending much money. Whether you install a cedar shake roof yourself or hire a professional in Texas,USA , you can be confident that you are making a wise investment in your home.

The post Six Reasons Why Cedar Shake Roofs Are the Best first appeared on Integris Roofing.


How to Replace Slate Roof Tiles

Slate is a durable, long-lasting roofing material that can add a touch of elegance to any home. However, slate roof tiles can become damaged...